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Organic Food: Why Choosing It?

Have you ever taken a minute to analyze what you are providing your body with? To eat healthy is not simply to consume vegetables and fruits regularly. It involves eating products free of pesticides, chemicals and other toxic substances that can alter the way your body works. Organic food is a really good option for you, a person that cares about health and well-being. In this article, you will find a general overview of the main benefits that your body will get thanks to organic food.

First of all, certain minerals and nutrients have been found in greater amounts in organic foods. The concentration of chromium, which helps prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes, is higher in organic foods in an average of 78 %. Selenium, a great antioxidant that helps to avoid heart disease and cancer is 390 % higher in organic foods. Likewise, the concentration of calcium is higher in 63 %, boron in 70 %, lithium in 188 % and magnesium in 138 %. Calcium is necessary to have strong bones, boron to prevent osteoporosis, lithium to treat depression, and magnesium to reduce heart attacks and muscular spasms. Most of these nutrients are low in western diets, but, as you can see, organic foods are a great source of them.

Moreover, the organic-food harvesting process does not involve any pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, or insecticide. That is way organic products are healthier because they are free of toxic chemicals that may cause cancer and other diseases. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 30 % of all insecticides, 60 % of all herbicides, and 90 % of all fungicides are potential causes of cancer. Besides, synthetic chemicals of this kind can cause vomit, diarrhea, abortion, migraine, drowsiness, behavioral alterations, convulsions, leukemia, birth defects, comma, and even death.

If you have not decided yet, consider what you already read and start thinking about this great option. Although organic food is more expensive, it is the best way to invest in your future. If you do so, you are protecting not only yourself but also the environment.

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