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Yogurt: Why to Consume It?

Probably, you know that yogurt is fermented milk and that it has many benefits regarding the digestion process. However, you certainly ignore many of the advantages that this product offers. Its consistency and nutritional value may vary due to the type of used milk and if other elements such as fruits have been added. Nevertheless, it is a rich source of calcium, protein, potassium, and vitamins such as B-12.

First of all, yogurt is easier to absorb than milk. Some people can barely digest lactose because of an allergic reaction. During the fermentation process, some lactase is created and it helps people improve the absorption of lactose. This is especially important since people become more tolerant of lactose and dairy products. As you should know, dairy products are a great source of calcium. The acid lactic released during the fermentation maximizes the absorption of calcium and B-vitamins in yogurt and in other dairy products. Of course, the calcium absorption in yogurt is higher than in milk or other dairy products.

Yogurt helps preserve your colon healthy. Lactobateria is a bacterium that lowers the risk of suffering colon cancer because it reduces the possibilities that bile turn into bile acids that cause cancer. In the same way, lactobacteria neutralizes nitrates and other substances before they become carcinogenic. On the other hand, calcium prevents colon from cancer because it strengthens the colon wall and makes it more resistant to bile acids. Many studies have demonstrated that yogurt aids preserving the intestinal microflora and, consequently, prevents you from suffering from diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal infections. In addition, yogurt helps heal from intestinal infections since it has more lactase than lactose.

The enhancement of immunity is one of the least known and most surprising advantages of yogurt. Many studies have shown that yogurt stimulates the build-up of white cells which are in charge of fighting infection bacteria. In fact, some animal trials have revealed that yogurt has anti-tumor effects. Likewise, lactobacteria allows your body to absorb more nutrients making your digestive system and your immune system healthier. In general, yogurt stimulates the growth of bacteria lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which are natural antibiotics. Yogurt inhibits the growth of yeast, which is a harmful fungi that causes many infections such as vaginal yeast infection.

Finally, yogurt lowers blood cholesterol in two ways. First, live cultures present in yogurt are good at absorbing cholesterol. Another reason may be the increase in the production of bile acids since they also have shown to reduce cholesterol. Thus, what are you waiting to include yogurt in your daily diet? Start now, and take advantage of this magical product.

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