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Eating Less is not the Secret!

People are always worried about their weight and appearance. Therefore, an appropriate exercise routine must be followed along with a nutritive and healthy diet. Overweight does not only represent a problem of vanity, but mostly represents a problem of health. Usually, being overweight is related to an increase of the risks to develop a heart disease, breathing problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and the possibility of strokes. That is the reason why we must be vigilant of the food that we eat and the time when we eat it.

Managing a healthy diet plan is easier to say than to do. With nowadays rush of life; almost no one has enough time to even buy the ingredients for a healthy diet. Even more, with the indefinite offers of fast food that we find on the street, we do not think it twice before buying a greasy hamburger with a soda...that is much easier than cooking our own food. Nevertheless, it is our health which is jeopardized and we must look for the healthiest options that will guarantee us a decent lifestyle.

We must strive to manage all the possible eating options and mix them. Regarding food is not a secret that we must focus on fruits. Eat fruits at any time, any place, and any meal; fresh, canned, frozen and/or dried fruits. Never replace fruits with fruit juice. Two daily portions are more than enough to start balancing your diet.

Veggies are also quite an important element of our diets. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of options so that we never get bored of eating veggies: broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, and much more. There is no limit for eating vegetables; you can have as much as you want without worrying about it. The more you eat the better.

Calcium is another element that cannot be absent from our tables. It is recommended to get 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk, or its equivalent of yogurt or cheese. Regarding grains, you must eat at least 3 ounces of whole-grain cereals, rice, crackers, breads or pasta. Plus, if you are a meat-lover, do not worry. As long as you bake it, grill it or broil it, it is fine. Try not to eat too much red meat, substitute it with fish or poultry. Even though meat is a great protein provider, there will always be more options to obtain proteins.

Remember, the secret is not to eat less, but to eat fine. Take your time to inform yourself about nutritious ways to prepare your food. Do not hesitate to take 20 minutes out of your daily schedule to prepare yourself a delicious, healthy meal!

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