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Carrots: Delicious and Nutritious

For no one is a secret that veggies are not the favorite food of kids. Nevertheless, we can blame on Bugs Bunny the fact that most children LOVE carrots. Easy to pack, carry and eat; carrots are quite popular because of their crunchy texture, brilliant color and sweet taste. Besides, their powerful nutritious value makes them also one of adult’s favorite foods.

Carrots have a thick and fleshy root that grows underground, with feathery green leaves emerging above the ground. They are usually associated with orange color; nevertheless, carrots can be yellow, purple, red, or white. Carrots are widely known for all the beneficial effects that they have on the eyesight and are the number one choice for moms trying to healthily feed their children.

Besides their delicious flavor, carrots are quite appealing for people because they are an excellent resource of antioxidants and the main and richest provider of pro-vitamin A carotenes. Several epidemiological studies have shown that high-carotenoids diets are deeply related to the reduced risk of heart disease. Moreover, the old belief that carrots help to promote good vision was not just a myth. Carrots do protect the vision, especially night vision.

Carotenoids contained in carrots have also been related to a significant decrease in postmenopausal breast cancer, prostate, colon, larynx, cervix, bladder and esophagus. It is said that one carrot per day will cut the rate of lung cancer in half. Furthermore, intake of carotenoids is beneficial to regulate blood sugar. Carotenoids intake is inversely related to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

You can enjoy carrots in salads and soups, chopped or just peeled. They are delicious and clean at any time. Do not miss any chance to start eating and/or feeding your kids with this marvelous and nutritious root.

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