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How to Keep New Year Resolutions by Getting Fit One Step at a Time with Fitbug

(PRWEB) January 4, 2006 -- Losing weight is always on the top 10 list of New Year resolutions, yet America remains the fattest nation on earth. Despite serious obesity and diabetes problems, there is good news. Physicians and nutritionists agree that regular exercise, specifically walking, can help reverse those trends. Simply walking a little more at home, work and leisure directly affects weight loss and improves your heart, lungs and overall fitness. Even people with advanced disease caused by fatty plaques in arteries can begin to reverse those ill effects without drastic changes in their lifestyle.

Those are rewards that meet everyone’s New Year resolutions. Forward thinking employers are implementing programs such as Fitbug in order to keep their workforce fit and more productive. If users had as little as one or two fewer absences a year, the program can more than pay for itself.

Fitbug, accurately tracks the steps you take and calculates calories and fat grams burned, distance covered and even can tell how much of your activity is aerobic. As soon as you clip the little “bug” on your belt or slip it in a pocket, you can see the results adding up. The bug also has a USB port that lets you save the information online to track your progress.

One of the motivations to keep moving is an online community feature that lets users join walking leagues. Co-workers, friends or family around the world can see how far other members are walking each week. Instead of competition, it’s a friendly environment that encourages and supports everyone in the league. According to results from use in the UK, acceptance and actual usage of this type of fitness program is in the 60% range. In the past, companies have subsidized health club membership for employees, but it was difficult to know how often the club was used.

Fitbug membership includes personalized online advice and support from trained fitness and nutrition gurus who help you set goals that fit into your busy schedule. Suggestions include target numbers to work toward, menu ideas and relaxation techniques. Users set the pace, and Fitbug helps them get a little bit more fit every step of the way.

According to the manufacturers and marketers, "Fitbug fits in your pocket, fits in tight budgets, and more importantly, fits in the busy lives of America’s workers and those who stay at home. Week by week, people of all sizes and shapes can begin to feel a little more fit. Before long, their clothes fit better."

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