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America Gets Fit One Step At a Time

Fitbug helps people lose weight and stay in shape, simply by walking. The small "bug" tracks activity and can even tell how much is aerobic. Online nutrition and fitness gurus offer personalized advice to help users reach realistic goals.

(PRWEB) December 10, 2005 -- America faces two growing problems - inactivity and obesity, according to the Centers for Disease Control. We are the fattest nation on earth and that’s no laughing matter because inactivity and poor eating habits can lead to obesity, diabetes, and lost productivity in the workplace.

The good news is that physicians and nutritionists agree that regular exercise, specifically walking, can help reverse the trend. Simply walking a little more at home, work and leisure directly affects weight loss and improves overall fitness.

One way to measure and evaluate how active you are is a little computerized fitness coach called Fitbug™. Fitbug,, accurately tracks every step you take and calculates calories burned, distance covered and even can tell how much of your activity is aerobic. As soon as you clip the little “bug” on your belt or slip it in a pocket, you can see the results adding up. The bug also lets you save the information online to track your progress.

The Fitbug membership includes personalized online advice and support from trained fitness and nutrition gurus who help you set goals that fit into your busy schedule. Suggestions include target numbers to work toward, menu ideas and relaxation techniques. Users set the pace, and Fitbug helps them get a little bit more fit every step of the way.

One of the motivations to keep moving is an online community feature that lets users join walking leagues. Friends, families or co-workers around the world can see how far other members are walking each week. Instead of competition, it’s a friendly environment that encourages and supports everyone in the league.

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