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Reward Yourself With a Guilt Free Day Over the Holidays

Enjoy the season's foods with out suffering the weight gain.

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida (PRWEB) December 9, 2005 -- The co-founders of January 2nd's National Personal Trainer Appreciation Day, Jim Labadie and Joey Atlas, know the holidays can be a calorically challenging time of year. To avoid putting on extra weight this season, they advocate starting a fitness plan before the festivities begin.

Most people realize getting more physical activity and eating a nutritious diet of small, frequent and nutritious meals six days a week is critical to keeping weight off. However, to keep ones sanity, especially around the holidays, it's a good idea for people to give themselves one "cheat" or "guilt-free" day per week.

Atlas explains, "The 'guilt-free' day should be one day out of the week when you allow yourself to eat anything you really, really want. During the holidays it is a good idea to have your guilt-free day on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, for example. At the same time it's important to understand the splurging must be limited to that one day. Behaving yourself at other holiday functions, such as office parties, will be made easier knowing your day is coming."

Other tips include:
1-Walking extra laps around the mall when shopping.

2-Taking a 10-minute walk after a large holiday meal to burn calories and improve digestion.

3-Limiting alcohol consumption due to the fact it often leads to making poor food choices.

4-Writing down fitness goals and sticking to them.

5-Having a clear picture in your mind of how great you're going to feel after the holidays having kept the weight off.

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