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This New Year, Resolve to Increase Health by Increasing Calcium

By simply adding sufficient amounts of calcium to one’s diet, weight management and a healthier body can be obtained.

Meriden, CT (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) December 6, 2005 -– As the New Year approaches, everyone is beginning to plan their traditional resolutions to manage weight and increase health. However, it seems that New Year’s resolutions are quickly forgotten and broken, generally before the month of January is even over. This year, consumers will be pleased to know that there is an easy way to resolve health goals. By simply adding sufficient amounts of calcium to one’s diet, weight management and a healthier body can be obtained. A resolution to fit every lifestyle and lifestage—meeting daily calcium needs! A majority of individuals are not receiving adequate amounts of calcium, but it is evident that calcium is necessary for all ages.

Even in the womb, calcium is a mineral that plays a significant role in almost all of our body functions, including the development, health and strength of teeth and bones. In addition, lack of this vital mineral inhibits nerves, muscles and hormones from operating effectively. Research studies have also found that calcium can help control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels and help manage weight. While the body, regardless of age, needs calcium, there are particular stages in life, especially for women, when calcium requirements increase.

Daily dosages of 800 mg of calcium are necessary for healthy bone development in young children. Calcium dosage increases for pre-teens and teenagers from 9 to 18 years of age, with the recommended amount rising to 1,300 mg. Adults aged 19 to 50 years should incorporate 1,000 mg of calcium into the daily diet and for adults over the age of 50, intakes should increase to 1,200 mg a day.

The method most people associate with increasing calcium is drinking milk. Unfortunately, very few people want the calories that accompany the three 8 oz glasses of milk necessary to ensure sufficient intake of calcium. There are, however, other ways to get the USDA recommended amounts of calcium:
• Eat 14 cups of cooked broccoli - One cup of broccoli provides 70 mg of calcium
• Eat three 4 oz cans of sardines - One can contains 350 mg of calcium
• Drink ten 8 oz glasses of vegetable juice - Each 8 oz glass contains 300 mg
Or simply:
• Eat two pieces of Adora™ gourmet chocolate calcium supplements with meals - each piece has 500 mg of elemental calcium, 100 IU of Vitamin D and 40 mcg of Vitamin K which enhance calcium absorption

Made with premium, all-natural milk or dark chocolate, Adora™ calcium supplements, wrapped individually, are delicious, convenient and portable. In addition, each serving adds only 30 calories to the diet of calorie-conscious individuals.

Adora™, from Thompson Brands, headquartered in Meriden, Connecticut, follows a tradition of 125 plus years of gourmet chocolate using only the finest ingredients to make the best chocolate. Recognizing the growing trend in fortified foods, Thompson took their substantial knowledge of chocolate and fused it with daily essential minerals and vitamins to deliver a decadent, yet health-beneficial delight. The Adora™ chocolate calcium supplement is the first in the company's planned product line to help increase compliance in health-related issues.

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