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Aging Is Not Obligatory Says Dr. Neal Rouzier

Male menopause, estrogen therapy and breast cancer, and ‘obligatory aging’ are only three of the myths exploded by Dr. Neal Rouzier, a longevity champion who is leading the way nationally in natural bio-identical hormone balancing and replacement. Dr. Rouzier explodes these myths and reveals how anyone can live a healthier, more productive life simply by replenishing natural body forces that are depleted by the aging process.

Palm Springs, CA (PRWEB) December 9, 2005 -- An author making breakthroughs in natural hormone replacement and balancing has shot down myths concerning aging, estrogen and breast cancer, and male menopause.

Dr. Neal Rouzier, author of How to Achieve Healthy Aging ( ISBN 0-9710007-1-9 $15.00 254 pages, WorldLink Medical Publishing), says three of today’s greatest myths are that humans must deteriorate as they grow older, that estrogen treatments cause breast cancer, and that menopause is exclusively a female “disorder.”

“I wrote this book to dispel the myth about ‘obligatory aging’ and the health problems associated with aging,” stresses Rouzier. “I’m not about to give up the ghost and neither should you. There are numerous studies demonstrating improved quality of life with hormone supplementation. Healthy aging is not wishful thinking.”

At recent medical seminars Dr. Rouzier has encouraged physicians to heighten their awareness of male menopause or andropause. ”Unfortunately, many men, as well as many women, are uneducated about andropause or male menopause. The whole idea of men going through menopause and needing hormone replacement therapy is demasculinizing. But male menopause, termed andropause, is a reality whether ignored, undiagnosed or untreated.”

Testosterone therapy not only relieves or eliminates male andropause but produces more energy, stronger bones, and a healthier heart as well as increased sex desire and performance.

Another myth Dr. Rouzier addressed in the book is that estrogen therapy leads to breast cancer. “The WHI Trial definitively showed that estrogen alone does not cause breast cancer, only the synthetic progestins cause cancer.” says Rouzier. “Yet, the plain-as-day fact that estrogen protects the heart from disease and complications cannot be disputed. Estrogen protects against heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s Disease, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness and atrophy.”

There is good scientific evidence that demonstrates natural progesterone protects against breast cancer whereas the commonly prescribed synthetic progestins may cause breast cancer. Dr. Rouzier adds, against repeated research findings, that estrogen treatments produce stronger bones and a healthier heart while reducing fatigue and sleeplessness.

The critical truth about hormone replacement therapy, the author stresses, is that natural bio-identical hormones are unquestionably more effective than synthetic hormones derived from horses or animals or synthetic chemically-altered hormones, which actually can harm the body. Bio-identical hormones are hormones that match the chemical make-up of the hormones the body produces naturally. The natural hormones are normally metabolized and therefore have no side effects. The synthetic hormones are chemically different from that which the body is accustomed causing adverse effects on tissues and metabolic breakdown products that are harmful.

These bio-identical hormones are only available through compounding pharmacies. Jacque Butler PhD., and CEO of MedQuest Pharmacy in Salt Lake City, UT reports, "we have seen tremendous growth in the area of bio identical hormone replacement as patients look for alternatives and become more educated as to their benefits."

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