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Another New Year, Another Resolution to Lose Weight? With

The secret to successful weight loss is not in the latest diet book or pill. The secret is in an old-fashioned, time-tested, rock-solid approach; build an unshakeable foundation of self-discipline and motivation. “The solution that works is so simple that it goes unnoticed because it is not full of hype and false claims,” says Alicia Ashley.

Irvine, CA (PRWEB) December 6, 2005 -- “Most parents or schools never teach how to establish positive self-discipline unless you’re a Green Beret. That’s why most diets fail. There’s not a diet program around that teaches someone how to create an unshakeable foundation of self-discipline and motivation, the kind necessary to really stick with healthy eating and exercise long enough to see results. And sure, people are motivated on January 1st but they are not so motivated on March 1st. The Warrior program is based on the science of self-discipline and self-motivation. It is complex and creates results,” Ashley continued.

A Warrior is someone who has the self-discipline and motivation necessary to go into battle and win. Everything they think about and do is about victory. Defeat is not an option. They realize what it will cost them if they do not focus all on their goal and strategize to win, no matter what.

People world-wide who have tried diet after diet and been unsuccessful will learn how to establish this unshakeable foundation of self-discipline and motivation through online support, daily email communication and teleclasses offered through the Warrior Weight Loss Program.

One of the first questions a new Warrior must answer is, “What does being overweight cost me in my life?” “Too often the focus is on the deprivation of missing out on certain foods instead of focusing on the loss of life and vitality that eating too many of those foods brings. It’s short-sited living. For most people being overweight costs them their self-respect, their health, higher wages, relationships, their joy in living and so much more, but they don’t think about that as they take the next bite,” says Ashley.

New Warriors are also are taught to ask themselves at the end of each day, “Who won today? The Warrior? Or the Enemies of Gluttony and Gratification?" The more days a new Warrior stays focused on moderate eating and exercise the Warrior wins and the more weight they lose. The more a new Warrior overeats and doesn’t exercise the Enemies win and the more weight they maintain or even continue to gain.

The Warrior Weight Loss Program offers men and women a viable long-term solution to losing weight and maintaining it for the rest of their life that is not found in any diet book or pill -- it’s a simple solution called self-discipline and self-motivation.

Alicia Ashley, M.A. is the Founder of the Warrior Weight Loss Program. She is a psycho-therapist who has specialized in working with men and women who suffer from eating disorders and obesity. She personally uses all of the skills and techniques of the Warrior that she recommends in order to maintain her own healthy weight and active lifestyle.

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