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Avoid Adding Extra Pounds During the Holidays by Smiling

Smiling more often between Thanksgiving and New Year's will help keep off the holiday pounds, according to fitness expert Kevin Gianni.

(PRWEB) November 22, 2005 -- It’s incredible to believe, but smiling often during this year’s holiday season can actually help people stay away from eating too many cookies, cakes, and pies.

Kevin Gianni, a holistic fitness expert, says between Thanksgiving and New Years millions of Americans will put on five to seven pounds of extra weight due to more than just large portions. People are eating more during the holidays due to stress, anxiety, shyness and boredom. “General anxiety is a major cause of binging behavior and a smile can relieve a ton of anxiety starting at a basic physiological level. Many people will snack at a party or gathering because they are uncomfortable, feel like they don’t have anything to say or feel like they have to eat because everyone else is.”

How does a smile help? “Smiles relax your entire body, they slow you down and they eliminate undue anxiety. When a person is feeling good, they don’t have to go to the pantry or the buffet table to find something sugary to relieve their feelings of stress, being out of place or uncomfortable.” As an added benefit, smiling also makes a person more approachable at parties and gatherings. “When you’re having a great conversation there’s little time to stuff food in your mouth.”

Kevin works with one-on-one and group clients to show them how to eliminate stress and anxiety--not just during the holidays--but throughout the year.

“Many stressful people are unhealthy and overeat. When someone is stressed out, their body is weakened and no longer balanced. A good laugh or a bright smile can change that chemical and physical imbalance in an instant and not only put a halt to binge eating, but also put anyone in a better mood.”

Kevin Gianni is the co-author of “The Lifestyle Fitness Points System," a personal trainer, and a speaker who shows business owners, enteprenuers and sales forces how they can get more energy and be more productive and still have the time to do what they want, when they want to do it. His presentations are a unique combination of exercise, energy work and stress relief.

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