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Miracle Cure Using Far Infrared Sauna; Detoxify Is the Lazy, Smart Way to Perfect Health

LuxSauna’s free book shows how to gain massive momentum toward eliminating the cause of disease and regaining perfect health in just 7 days using an infrared sauna and by making simple yet critical adjustments to your diet.

(PRWEB) November 17, 2005 -- Detoxifying is the most essential action anyone can take to start the process towards vibrant, energetic and youthful health. It is staggering to learn how widespread toxins are part of our daily lives. Toxins are unavoidable and hard to eliminate and accumulate over years. The average weakened and toxic body has no way to metabolize this build up of stored chemicals, heavy metals, acids and disease causing toxins until now.

Using a LuxSauna infrared sauna will start you on the road to detoxification. Infrared heat saunas are an amazing improvement over traditional steam rooms and (very) hot rock saunas which produce maximum heat with minimal penetration; millimeters deep. LuxSauna uses far infrared heat waves that uniquely penetrate deep enough into the human body to expedite the elimination of dangerous disease-causing toxins and acids.

“Infrared heat is the only heat that penetrates deep enough and hot enough to melt subcutaneous fat, (at 40C or 104F), which is where the body stores dangerous toxins and acids, and literally shakes them lose so they can be directly expelled safely out of the body through our sweat,” says David Floyd, CEO of LuxSauna Inc.

An added health benefit of using an infrared sauna is weight loss. In addition to expending nearly 600 calories in a half hour session, you will eliminate stored up acids in the body. The average American consumes a predominantly acid diet that overwhelms our bodies. Ironically, the (smart) human mechanism for avoiding damage caused by acids is that the body stores acids away in fat to protect vital organs. No matter how much you diet, the body does not allow the total release of excess fat deposits in most people. Only when the acid is excreted can the body allow the release of stored up fat. Toxins are acid as well, so the alkaline balance can be restored quickly by the use of a sauna as well as the elimination of acids, which will lead to predictable weight loss for those who have excess fat.

Studies have shown that over 95% of disease is caused by the lack of oxygen. Where there is no oxygen, cancer thrives. Where there is an oxygen or alkaline environment, no disease can survive! The German Biochemist, Dr. Otto Warburg discovered this in 1923 and received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for doing so. Why do most doctors continue to ignore this and prescribe disease-causing drugs that merely hide the symptoms and avoid the cause? Finally, people are starting to become more educated! They are doing their own research and learning that toxins are ubiquitous and unavoidable and are in fact the main cause of disease.

The success of LuxSaunas far infrared saunas is based the company’s focus on the whole health package, the whole body. All the personnel at Luxsauna spend months in training to fully understand the health benefits and specific detoxification strategies and techniques using a sauna. Staff motivates people to eliminate their toxic load and modify their diet to consume more alkaline foods and liquids. For example: It takes 10 glasses of 10.4 PH alkaline water to neutralize one can of Coke! The ability to sweat 3 to 4 pounds of sweat in one half hour session, which includes 15%-20% toxins and acids, will greatly enhance the speed at which you can alter your ability to create an alkaline and disease free and healthy bodily environment.

About LuxSauna, Inc.
LuxSauna, Inc. is an innovative far infrared sauna manufacturing company producing products such as therapeutic saunas and heating pads, with distributors nationwide.

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