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Targeting the Optimum Lifestyle: 5 Keys to Living Longer and Livelier

Whitney, TX (PRWEB) November 15, 2005 -- Tom Goode, ND, says people who want to lose weight and reverse aging can make their dreams come true today.

“You can begin this total transformation of your physical, emotional and mental health with five simple guidelines,” says Goode. “No matter how you feel now; you can live longer and better -- and it’s much easier than you think!”

Goode, the premier Naturopath and Director of the International Breath Institute, shares his five keys for ultimate lifestyle improvement to be healthier, happier, and livelier longer.

1. Eat natural foods. Organic eggs and product provide you with the most nutrition and least contaminants. Keep your system pure. That includes pure water. No chlorine or fluoride.

2. Take supplements. A daily, high-potency multi-vitamin is recommended for everyone. Feel better, younger; restore energy on all levels.

3. Dedicate a time for reflection. Stop your mind from chattering. Practice sitting quietly at least twice a day, and focus on your breathing. You’ll find that you will renew your sense of purpose and connections in your life.

4. Get a good night’s sleep. Plan for it, schedule it into your life; a full eight hours, if possible. Don’t keep overstressing your body; if lifestyle won’t accommodate a sleep schedule, make up for lost sleep over the weekend.

5. Exercise less, but ratchet up the intensity of the exercise you do. Exercise, take a rest, exercise some more. Improve your circulation and your heart’s ability to deal with sudden stress. Run in place, rest for two minutes, and repeat three times.

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