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Ephedra Diet Pills Available Again, But For How Long?

Diet pills containing herbal ephedra and mahuang are legally available again, but the FDA still wants the effective weight loss herb removed from diet supplements.

(PRWEB) November 13, 2005 -- Ephedra diet pills had been removed from store shelves when a ban went into effect on April 2004. In April 2005 a Utah judge overturned the FDA's ban sighting that the FDA needed proof that the herb was harmful if taken as directed. The FDA has not provided that proof.

In light of this ruling ephedra diet supplements have made their way back on to the market, much to the delight of dieters everywhere.

However the FDA has recently been visiting these vendors, and informing them not to sell supplements containing dosages of ephedra that were higher than 10 milligrams per day.

Many of the vendors have complied with the FDA's wishes, others have not. There are companies still manufacturing diet pills that contain higher than 10 mgs of ephedra per dose but have not had any problems with the FDA at this point.

Ephedra is a Chinese herb that has been used medicinally for 5000 years. With cigarettes, alcohol, and over the counter pain medicines killing tens of thousands every year, it seems that our tax dollars could be used for something better than trying to prevent overweight people from losing fat.

Most manufacturers of ephedra diet products have either filed bankruptcy or have discontinued making the ephedra diet pills.

Ephedra diet pills were found easily online with a quick search.

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