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Can Anyone Really Risk Supporting a Work from Home Business in Today's Fast Paced World?

If you work from home does getting rich on the Web mean only slapping a site together with some banners linked to affiliate products? Paul Zane Pilzer believes that the entrepreneurial boom as already started.

(PRWEB) November 7, 2005 -- Many, if not most, come charging onto the Web with some vague notion of getting rich quick. When it doesn't happen overnight, they're gone. Short of winning a lottery, I don't know of an easy way to get rich. In fact I've never met anyone doing well who had not achieved their position through hard work. Sure, luck helps along with skills and talents. But it's work that makes it happen.

Long before the Web came into being, there was mail order. It seems there are many millions of people in the US who spend considerable dollars each year on schemes that will make them rich, and do so easily. One of the best items to sell was books. And a book in this sense was maybe 80 pages, cost a buck to produce and sold for $20. Plus shipping and handling, of course. A great markup. And if done properly, great profits.

Now comes the Web and ebooks. Heck, it now costs zero to make an electronic copy. Even greater profits. If you want to get rich, write a book that promises easy riches and sell it to those foolish enough to believe there is an easy way, that they just haven't found it.

Better yet, start your own affiliate program and get others to sell for you. Affiliate programs have been picking up speed and giving the people a real chance to gain the elusive financial freedom everybody sorts after.

Paul Zane Pilzer exposes the truth in his book "The Next Trillion" about why half the U.S. population is unhealthy and overweight: Americans have become caught between the economic interests of the trillion-dollar food industry and the trillion-dollar healthcare or "sickness" industry. In analyzing these two gigantic industrial complexes, Pilzer focuses on an emerging "wellness" industry that will soon occupy an additional one-seventh, or "next trillion," of the economy—an industry ripe with entrepreneurial opportunities that will eclipse those of today’s Internet-based companies.

The Wellness Industry is on the tip of everybody’s tongue. Affiliate programs are already taking lead of the nutritional industry. is one of the opportunities that takes on board the need for tools, trainings and support within an industry that is forever growing. "A business plan that has followed marketing trends and is set to be a part of the trillion dollar industry."

Like all opportunities nothing guarantees wealth. Chances of a lifetime do exist -- be open to opportunity when it comes and recognise that this could be the chance to change your life forever!

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