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Author Declares Freedom From Un-Wanted Bodyfat by Following the Low GI Diet

Fitness and nutrition coach Wesley Atkins takes a stand on October 10, 2005; Releases internationally-selling online eBook to help readers "Burn Un-Wanted Body Fat With The Low Gi Diet."

(PRWEB) October 12, 2005 -- "The Low G.I. Breakthrough Diet," a new e-book by Wesley Atkins, finally makes the low glycemic lifestyle easy and accessible for anyone. "The low glycemic index diet has improved my health immensely, but I know a lot of the information published about it so far has been confusing and unnecessarily complex," Atkins said today. "This book is written from the trenches, from someone who has tried a lot of the diets out there. As far as I'm concerned, this is the only one that works because it's based on sound science and tasty foods."

"The Low G.I. Breakthrough Diet" is designed to cut through the mysteries of applying low glycemic eating to daily life. Blood sugar is explained in no nonsense language that makes healthy eating easier than ever. Besides the basics, the book includes recommendations for snacks and how to stay on the diet when eating out with friends. The book also contains various exercises and recommendations for fitness programs, including brick workouts, that are necessary to maintain the low G.I. lifestyle and attain optimal health.

"I wanted to simplify the diet," Atkins said, "offering readers the benefit of my years of experience as a fitness and nutrition coach." After applying the principles outlined in his book for the past 4 years, Atkins has maintained his ideal weight and has achieved a high level of personal fitness.

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