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New Cosmetic Surgery and Bariatric Surgery Partnership

Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) October 9, 2005 -- The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery based in Fort Lauderdale has formed a unique partnership with U.S. Bariatric to help meet the special, end-to-end needs of an increasing number of patients who wish to experience massive weight loss. In the past there was no place for these patients to go to learn about the LAP-BAND® and gastric bypass methods of surgically induced weight loss or follow-up cosmetic surgery that, taken together, allow the patient to achieve their desired results.

The LAP-BAND Adjustable Gastric Banding System is a minimally invasive surgical procedure involving the application of prosthesis (the LAP-BAND) around the stomach to create a small gastric pouch and an opening to the rest of the stomach. Gastric bypass is considered the "gold standard" weight loss operation. It involves the creation of a small stomach pouch connected to a Y-shaped portion of the small intestine. It causes weight loss through a complex set of events that result in reduced caloric uptake.

Patients lose a large amount of fat after gastric bypass surgery. This extreme reduction in fatty tissue leaves patients with unsightly folds of skin and tissue that a plastic surgeon can correct. Post-bariatric, body contouring procedures include tummy tuck, brachioplasty, face lifts, thigh lift, or body lifts. It is important for the plastic surgeon to use specialized surgical approaches and take specific safety measures for these patients.

Through the partnership between U.S. Bariatric and The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, both parties work to ensure that the patient understands the weight loss alternatives as well as the need for plastic surgery that comes after the excess weight is gone. They also help them to understand the inherent risks involved and what they can reasonably expect in terms of post-bariatric outcomes.

The new partnership will uniquely provide prospective patients with an educational web site that will answer questions about both bariatric and cosmetic surgery procedures. The new partnership will also offer patients a one-stop shop approach to their special needs that insures their ability to plan for the total makeover. Finally, there will be special pricing for these patients that will allow them to combine all of their surgery, and achieve financial savings not otherwise readily available.

The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery offers a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures performed by experienced surgeons in a fully accredited suite with state of the art equipment. The center aims to improve quality of life through enhanced physical appearance, and to ensure the highest quality of care. The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery provides a warm and friendly environment, helping its clients to make safe, informed decisions. The center also offers medical spa services, nutrition counseling, and cosmetic dentistry.

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