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Intestinal Cleansing/Detox Website Opens for Business

'To be truly healthy you must remove the hardened mucous that lines the bowel by using special mucous dissolving herbs or enzymes such as papain. This mucous is what toxifies all the other organs. You must cleanse your body and change your diet to be free of disease.'

(PRWEB) September 25, 2005 -- A new website has opened for business with the aim of helping people take control of their own health through education.

The main problem with today's health system is that it treats the symptoms and not the root of disease. The root is generally incorrect diet and lifestyle habits, which manifests in the bowel as plaque (hardened mucous), which coats the intestinal mucosa. This is where disease starts and lives, the only way to properly rid yourself of disease is to get rid of this bowel plaque.

"All disease begins in the colon," Bernard Jensen.

Many people like to buy cleansing skin care, do liver cleanses and cleanse all the other organs, which is good, but you should cleanse the bowel first, as this is where the toxins in the skin and rest of the organs come from. Because the elimination channels are mostly blocked, the body has to send the toxins out through the skin and other organs.

The website outlines 2 detox diets. One of them is more extreme and requires a complete change of attitude, diet and lifestyle. The detox on this diet can be sped up and slowed down as the cleanser requires. The detox program is a hybrid of Dr Bernard Jensen's original bowel cleansing formula. It involves about 30 different herbs and of course psyllium husks and bentonite. This cleanse gives the best colon cleansing. Generally the herbs can be taken as tincture, powdered herbs or cleansing teas.

The second cleanse which was developed by the founder of the site, Matthew Sirpis, is a little slower, but still very effective, and contains green paw paw (papaya) amongst other things.

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