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Safe Fat Loss

(PRWEB) October 4, 2005 -- In his attempt to find the perfect fat loss system to help men and woman of all ages lose not just weight from their bodies but pounds of ugly, not mention unhealthy fat from their bodies Tom Venuto turned himself into a human guinea pig.

For 14 years he read everything he could get his hands on, you name it if it had to do with losing fat Tom probably read it. Then he turned around and tried everything that he read out on himself. Low fat diets, no fat diet, high fat diets, no carb diets, you name the diet, Tom tried it.

Finally, it was through this entire trial an error process that Tom started to put the pieces together, little by little he learned the secrets that allowed him to get his body fat down to an incredible 3.7%
He did this without drugs, crazy diets, expensive supplements, or with out wrecking his metabolism.

But the best part is Tom isn’t holding anything back in his new ebook which is titled Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, he lays everything out, from the reason why 95% of all diets fail and how you can be part of the top 5% of dieters that not only loses all the fat they want, but even more importantly keeps it off permanently. He also covers the twelve worst foods you should never eat and the top twelve best foods you should eat all the time, why eating good fats can actually speed up fat loss, and why you will never get the whole truth about supplements from any magazine. This is only a very small sampling of what you will learn from this ebook.
Mr. Venuto holds a BSc. Degree in exercise science and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist CSCS with the Nation Strength and Conditioning Association is a competitive bodybuilder and has had over 160 articles published on bodybuilding, fat loss and fitness.

In fact Tom is so certain that you’ll be amazed by his Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle System that he will give everyone that comes to his website a free report entitled big fat lies in this free report Tom will bring you on the inside and let you know things the supplement companies don’t want you to know. To read more about the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle system simply visit

Will Ton Venuto’s Burn the fat feed the muscle system be the weight loss program that actually works, time and leaner bodies will tell.

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