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Losing Weight Naturally with JuiceMaid

So many diet programs come and go, but Juicemaid is not a diet program, its a change in lifestyle that can truly add years to a person's life.

The buzz around JuiceBlasters/Toledo is all about the JuiceMaid Program. From the start it has had good success. The success stories just keep walking in the door, and Owner Derick Thomas couldn't be happier. "I started this program to ultimately help people become healthier, cleanse their system of toxins and give them a healthier alternative to dieting. I never dreamed that I would have a nearly 100% success rate with my clients."

So what is juicemaid and how does it work? Balance is the key behind the JuiceMaid program creating an atmosphere for natural healing is accomplished through the consumption of specific custom-made juices and a number of other foods. The saying, "Let Food be your Medicine" is never truer and JuiceMaid teaches this. Derick Thomas the owner and founder states that it is amazing how the body is designed, once balance is achieved the body automatically begins to look for anything that would throw it off of balance and eliminate from it the body.

"The first comments were simply that people noticed a difference in their energy, they weren't tired anymore. Then as a few weeks passed they were noticing weight loss, some to the point of losing 20 lbs of weight that hadn't come off with other diets. The real excitement came as clients came in stating changes in health. One of my first juicing clients came in with the news that her doctor wanted to know what she had been doing, she had a history of high blood pressure and it was all of a sudden consistently normal. As each day passed, they kept coming in, one lady had diabetes, and no longer has to take any medication at all, another came in that couldn’t clap her hands without pain, while another noticed a change in her knee joints the first week on the program. We have had success after success and it is truly amazing to hear. We started immediately having people write down what their ailments were so we could celebrate with them and so they could see for themselves what they were no longer battling or dealing with." Derick says.

JuiceBlasters has had such a success with JuiceMaid they are taking it "to the streets" as one would say, and premiering its "national" program on well known auction site EBAY. "We want to offer it at a low affordable price and avail it to as many people as possible", Derick states.

There have been so many diet programs come and go, and with JuiceMaid, it's not really a diet program. It's really a change in lifestyle that can truly add years to a life. The great thing is that the goal was not really losing weight, but it happened."

JuiceBlasters is also licensing the JuiceMaid program to Juice Bars around the country, offering increased traffic, higher profits and wider customer base.

The JuiceMaid program is really not complex, and JuiceBlasters helps with detailed information every step of the way. The key to the whole program is the customized juice plan, the nutritional analysis and the personal service from live people who care. They send out emails on breaking news in the health industry weekly.

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