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As Online Readers Embrace Indy Media, Alternative Health Information Flows Freely

Independent media news website serves up daily dose of uncensored articles covering health, disease, the pharmaceutical drug industry and modern medicine.

(PRWEB) August 16, 2005 -- It's not the kind of information the FDA or drug companies want people to hear: prescription drugs may kill you, drug companies are telling lies, and the FDA is more interested in protecting drug profits than public health. At least that's the position of one of the fastest-growing indy media websites: from Truth Publishing, which now ranks No. 3 in the world of alternative health websites, eclipsing the sites of Dr. Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra and Whole Health MD.

Why the explosive growth? At, readers are treated to a content-rich site (no ads whatsoever on the index page) that dares to tell people the truth about health, disease, and today's system of organized medicine. Combining the work of half a dozen passionate writers, including the increasingly popular "Health Ranger" (Mike Adams), NewsTarget hits readers with raw, uncensored articles on drug company corruption, food ingredients that cause cancer, simple cures for chronic disease, and many other taboo health topics.

NewsTarget, for example, is the site that first carried the now-famous, "Welcome to the Town of Allopath" fable that uses simple, piercing metaphors to question the very premise of our health care system.

NewsTarget also carries in-depth articles that attack aspartame, fluoridation of public water supplies, deceptive marketing practices of drug companies and the collusion between the FDA and Big Pharma. In mainstream media outlets, little of this information would ever see the light of day, but on NewsTarget, it's served up daily at no charge.

Articles are available free of charge, with no registration required. also bans all pop-up windows, pop-under ads and animated banners, protecting the reading experience of users.

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