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An A-List Celebrity Only Gained a Rumored 18 Pounds and Looks Stunning Just Two Weeks After Giving Birth

Now that you are pregnant, are you wondering how you will keep the pounds from piling on while you stay healthy and happy for your growing baby that is growing in your belly? Do you wonder how these movie stars and celebrities get skinny and lose their baby fat so fast? Are they blessed by genetics or do they have secret methods we do not know about?

Los Angeles, California (PR Web) June 9, 2005 -- Socialites and other celebrities look great a few weeks after giving birth because they are rumored to “cheat” their bodies by having C sections before their due dates so that they do not gain those last 5-10 pounds most of us gain in the last few weeks. Other celebrities and socialites have personal trainers, nutritionists, and full time nannies come to their homes daily to cook for them, work them out, and take care of their children so they are able to solely concentrate on staying in shape while pregnant.

Most women gain an average of 25-35 pounds when pregnant . Some women with the genetic body type of the “celery” generally gain less weight only in their bellies. Women who have different body types usually gain their weight in differently in parts of their bodies as well. But how do you know what body type you are? And what does all of this mean?
Women pregnant for the first time find out that there they have are many questions regarding their body, exercise, foods, and cravings that confuse them on a daily basis. Questions such as what should I be eating? Why do I crave these foods? What is my body type? How many pounds should I and will I be gaining? Are these foods nutritious enough for my baby? These types of question are just some of the many questions that are answered in the Pregnancy Without Pounds book. This book with all its answers can be your coach, personal trainer and nutritionist.
Expert Nutritionist and Trainer Michelle Biton has sold thousands of copies of the Pregnancy Without Pounds book in its first year of release and answers all these types of questions and more in this book about pregnancy, exercise, body type, diet, and foods. Her e book filled a void in the marketplace for women who wanted to look good, stay fit, healthy, and eat right throughout their pregnancy.

Michelle gives tips to readers on what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, what exercises they can do at certain stages in their pregnancy, and answers many pregnancy-related myths as well. This is a book that a newly pregnant woman can refer to at all stages of her pregnancy as a reference guide to help her through those fat and tired days, blue days, and craving days.

For additional information on the new Pregnancy Without Pounds book, contact Susana Yee or visit This item is available in a downloadable PDF e book format or is available for purchase as a CD. Other products are also offered to go along with the book. The PWP body ball is coming soon.

About Pregnancy Without Pounds:
Pregnancy Without Pounds is a company that publishes e books for women who want to look good while ing stay healthy and fit during pregnancy and after pregnancy. The books and products provided by Pregnancy Without Pounds inspire and aid women who are pregnant or newly recovering from child childbirth with gentle, healthy exercises and food tips to stay fit in healthy from the beginning of pregnancy and through the years of motherhood. Michelle Biton is a fitness and nutrition expert with 15 years of experience in the industry. Her clients found her advice so helpful they asked her to write her first book book, which began the Without Pounds Series of books and products. Michelle has now just finished her second e-book, Mommy Without Pounds.

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